NPA Legislative Breakfast
Hruska Law Center, Lincoln, NE,
Thursday, February 13th
7:45 – 8:45 AM Central
Members – To RSVP, click "Register" (to the left)
NPA Members – you are invited to join us for an important opportunity to advocate for psychologists and behavioral health in Nebraska. Please join your colleagues for breakfast on Thursday, February 13th, (7:45 – 8:45 AM) when we sit and visit with our state senators and/or their staff members.
The Legislative Breakfast is a relaxed atmosphere and no one is expected to give a speech. The senators and staff members stop by for breakfast and some discussion of behavioral health issues facing the citizens of Nebraska. We will have a packet of information for the senators including a one-page bullet sheet on “talking points”, and general information about NPA. A "Prep Session" is scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 11th at 1:00 PM Central. The NPA Legislative Breakfast is at Hruska Law Center, 635 S 14th St., across the street from the southwest corner of the Nebraska State Capitol.