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NPA Leadership

NPA Board members are elected by mail ballot in the fall of each year. The NPA Board of Directors manages all affairs of NPA. The board consists of the President, the President-Elect, the Past President, the Secretary, the Treasurer, the Representative to the Council of Representatives of the American Psychological Association, two Directors At Large, Division Directors and the Director for Governmental Affairs.
  • The NPA President serves a term of two years and the President-Elect is elected for a term of two years and succeeds automatically to the presidency upon the expiration of the President's term of office.
  • Past-President shall be the most recent retired President and shall serve for a term of two years.
  • Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected for terms of three years.
  • APA Representative serves for a three year term.
  • The Director for Governmental Affairs shall be appointed by the President with approval of the board.
  • Directors at Large are elected for staggered two-year terms.
  • A majority of the board's membership shall constitute a quorum.

Download additional information about "Who We Are" NPA Board positions and committees.

Click HERE for links to the Standing Committee pages.

NPA 2023 Board of Directors
Sarah King, Ph.D.

Sarah Hoff, Ph.D.

David Carver, Ph.D.

Past President
Katherine Carrizales, Ph.D.

APA Council Representative
Shawn Curtis, Psy.D

Professional Affairs Committee Chair

Katherine Linder, Ph.D.

Ethics Committee Members
Committee ChairNathan Sudbeck, Psy.D.
Glenda Cottam, Ph.D., J.D.
Nicole Schmidt, Ph.D.
David Cates, Ph.D.
Jessica Koran-Scholl, Ph.D.

Stephanie Bruhn, Ph.D.

Communications & Media Committee Chair

Lisa Logsden, Psy.D.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee Chair

Gina Furr, Ph.D.

Continuing Education Committee Co-Chairs
Daniel Ullman, Ph.D.

Jerry Walker, Ph.D.

Federal Governmental Affairs Committee Chair/Federal Advocacy Coordinator

Nathan Sudbeck, Psy.D.

State Legislative Committee Chair
Currently Vacant

Academic Affairs Committee Chair
David Carver, Ph.D.

At-Large Board Member – Lincoln/Omaha
Jerry Walker, Ph.D.

At-Large Board Member – Greater Nebraska
Anne Talbot, Psy.D.

Early Career Psychologist Chair

Shaylee Schroeder, Ph.D.

Membership Committee Chair
Diane Marti, Ph.D..

Rxp Committee Co-Chairs
Daniel Ullman, Ph.D.

Anne Talbot, Psy.D.

APA Graduate Student Rep
Gina May, BA

Executive Director
Carmen Skare
P.O. Box 6785
Lincoln, NE 68506
Work: 402-475-0709

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