Friday, May 19th – Lincoln
Spring Business Meeting • Leadership Development Academy Graduation • Meet & Greet
In-Person and via Zoom
Members – please join us for this fun in-person event including the 2022 Spring Business Meeting, followed by the Graduation of the inagural NPA Leadership Development Academy, and concluding with our first Meet & Greet since the pandemic! We are excited to get together in person to celebrate our organization, our LDA graduates and YOU!
Join us Friday, May 19th at Williamsburg Behavioral Psychology located at 8525 Executive Woods Drive, Ste 100, Lincoln, (note new address) for the following (all times are Central):
NPA Spring Business Meeting (Members Only): 4:00–5:00
LDA Graduation (Guests Welcome): 5:00–5:30
Meet & Greet (Guests Welcome): 5:30–7:30
The Spring Business Meeting is for NPA Members only, but we encourage you to invite friends/colleagues to join us at the LDA Graduation and Meet & Greet. You will have an opportunity to register your guests when you RSVP. Refreshments will be served.
If you are unable to join us in-person, you can still attend via Zoom. (Meet & Greet will be in-person only.)
Find out the work your association has been doing and what is planned for the coming months at the Business Meeting; celebrate your colleagues at the LDA Graduation; and have fun at the in-person Meet & Greet!
Members to RSVP, please click "Register" (above left). (You will be able to register your guests in your RSVP.)

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